Monday, November 25, 2019

Kindergarten Learns About Human Resources

Kindergarten has been learning about the Earth's resources, and have been traveling through a set of "resource stations" to learn about the different resources on the Earth.  They discovering the properties of air, water, earth (sand) and wood.

Air is a natural resource - students make fans.

Earth's Resources - the Wood Exploration Station

Earth's Resources - the Wood Exploration Station

Air is a natural resource - students make fans.

Water is a natural resource - Water Station

Water Exploration

Water Exploration

Earth is a natural resource - Sand Exploration

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Second Grade Keyboarding Skills

During STEM Project Integration time, second grade students come to the STEM lab for introductory lessons on how to use computers.  They are learning how to log in using their school usernames and passwords, and are then using a set of typing lessons entitled Keyboarding Without Tears.  This is a great program that has them do games and activities which forces them to use correct hand placement while learning and playing.  They really enjoy it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

5th Grade Comes to STEM for a Water Cycle Game

As part of our integrated learning project time, STEM and Science paired up to engage the students in a Water Cycle game.  They are water molecules in a variety of different forms, and they have to roll the dice to see what happens to them.  They also recorded how their movement occurred.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Third Grade Robotics Challenge

Third Grade started a robotics challenge.  They must create a robot that does a useful job, incorporate a motor, sound, lights, and a sensor.