Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Hour of Code - Dec 9-15

Hour of Code is Here!

Every year, Woodstock Elementary School participates in Computer Science Education Week, and Hour of Code.  This is a worldwide initiative to teach students the basics of computer programming.

Gaining in popularity, Hour of Code has grown from 20 million to 720 million users in just 5 years!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Fourth Grade Creates Popsicle Stick Presents

Fourth Grade students are making presents for the holidays - using paint, popsicle sticks and Elmer's glue.  They have been very creative in their designs, and working hard. They are making a whole host of designs, including jewelry boxes, bowls, ferris wheels, phone holders and trucks, to name a few. 

In the spirit of giving, their constructions are for gifts for other people, 

and not simply for themselves.  

Second Grade Tinkertime

As an enrichment class, second graders come to 

STEM once a week for Tinkertime.

Second Grade Creates Digital Books on Respectful Learning

Using a digital book writing app, called Book Creator,
second grade students wrote and narrated books
 on how to be respectful learners.

Link to Slideshow of all the PBIS Books

A sample of individual book videos are below:

Cardboard Creations After School Club - Three Week Mini Club

On Wednesday we start a new After School Club, entitled Cardboard Creations.
The students chose the topic.  It will run as a three week mini-club.

Registration is now closed.