Thursday, December 12, 2024

Kindergarten Uses Ramps to Study Physical Science


4th Grade Students Learn Simple Circuits


4th Grade Students continued their studies of electricity, using Snap Circuits, and incorporating a switch.  They began drawing electrical schematic drawings to show the flow of electricity in their circuit.

Third Grade Programs Finch Robots

As part of Computer Science Education Month, and "Hour of Code," third grade students are using finch robots and "snap" programming to code their robots to move, light up, and make sounds.


Second Graders "Code" Movements for their Classmates


As part of the International Computer Science Month and in honor of "Hour of Code", Second grade students are doing an "unplugged" coding activity - coding a set of movements for their classmates to follow.

4th Graders Create Paper Circuits

Using cardstock, LED lights, coin batteries, and copper tape, 
4th grade students learn the basics of a simple circuit.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Robotic Carnival Rides!

 6th Graders made robotic Carnival Rides - integration of Art and STEM!