Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Building Paper Computers in 3rd and 4th grades

 Students in 3rd and 4th grade built their own "computers" out of file folders and paper keyboards.  The focus question is "How is a computer like a human body?" Students learn the name and function of computer hardware, and cut and "assemble" their computers. They decorate them with a screen saver and bumper stickers as well.

complete with bumper stickers

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Kindergarten Builds the School Rules

 As part of learning the school rules - Be Safe- Be Respectful - Be Ready to Learn - Kindergarten students came to STEM to "BUILD THE RULES."

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

First Grade Records the Five Senses

In the beautiful fall weather, the First Grade Reviews the five senses by going into the garden and recording sights, sounds, touch, smells and tastes.